This bright young chap has a developed a card game as a teaching aid to help anyone learn about the basic building blocks of Chemistry Tables. We are continually made aware in the media of how science and science educators express their concerns of falling student numbers in the classrooms of Science and often how many students of science drop out because of the details associated with such topics as this.
In the youtube video he describes how his game works, based on 66 cards - each card has a Chemical Symbol with a picture of its molecular structure together with the basic information of each. He gives a quick demonstration of how it works with his very professional looking pack. He has set up a small start up company (check out his website) to attempt to attract a seeding funding grant of $100,000.
He seems to be carrying a unique insight into how science educators might be assisted with this game in teaching young learners how to understand the chemical structures of the basic building blocks of matter. A very worthwhile cause indeed, I think I ought to order a pack since I have always had some difficulty in grasping these basics of molecular instructions.