There are few creatures that evoke as much mystery, awe, and wonderment as do whales. So many of the greatest worlds and creatures imagined by comic artists, video-game makers, and film-makers are inspired from these lumbering giants.
Unfortunately, the closest most of us will ever get to whale will be watching one through a pane of glass at an aquarium or maybe (though hopefully not) on one of those horrible whale watching (chasing) tourist boats. And even then the best you’ll get is a Beluga whale or maybe an Orca.
Thanks to some clever Flash work by the anti-whaling folks at WCDS, now you can see a life size whale right on your computer screen–life size! If your week is getting off to a hectic start and your Monday starts to spiral out of control, just click below and take a moment to drift in the sea with this gentle beast. This is a must click.