It could be the way we will be watching our TV programmes and PC games in the near future. Toshiba has developed a giant full-faced helmet that weighs around three kilo and facilitates the wearer to see a full 360-degree view on a 40 cm dome-shaped fish-eye screen. The idea of full “360-degree viewing is fabulous but does anyone think it’s really fabulous with that gigantic 3 kg helmet on your head? It could have been a ground-breaking gizmo if they had made it a bit smaller ?
This thing could make even
Darth Vader jealous. Bringing a whole new meaning to weighing the pros and cons, this full-faced
Toshiba helmet weighs three kilos, but it offers a full 360 degree view on a 40 centimeter dome-shaped screen. That's incredicbly sexy if not for the helmet, is it too much to ask to have them display the images on my 40mm dome-shaped retinas?