Now, however. both the Federal officials and the Colorado Chamber recognize that Bishop's dementia concretia is marketable, and that he's transformed some heavy, unwanted rocks into pure tourism gold.
The really remarkable aspect to this building is that the builder seems to have either a natural affinity with the structural concerns of architecture namely proportion, scale and design concepts or he picked these skills up as he went along, his main source of income has been in the Ironwork industry and explains in the video that he has built this castle in his down time.
The castle features intricate wrought-iron bridges and walkways that cling to its towers. Bishop Castle is decorated with stained-glass windows along its front wall; a metallic dragon's neck and head jut from the apex of the castle's great hall. The dragon, made from recycled metal hospital trays, shoots fire from its gaping maw with the aid of a burner from a hot air balloon. The castle's fireplace vents through the dragon's nose, expelling smoke from the beast's nostrils.