Treat this movie as you would when viewing a standard spherical panorama, that is by holding the mouse down on any part of the image and move your mouse around inside the image while movie is playing.
More Immersive media video's are viewable by clicking a balloon at this website, but these video's don't necessarily load immediately, unless you have a really fast internet connection.
Here is a quote from a recent news story about this immersive media video company: IMC who are producing these panoramic videos
IMC is the leading provider of full motion, high-resolution, interactive spherical video technology and production services. Using eleven video streams arranged according to geodesic geometry, Immersive video captures an almost complete spherical image; a high-resolution 360 degree view of surroundings that is seamlessly stitched together. IMC's immersive movies can integrate GPS coordinates and other metadata producing our GeoImmersive(TM) video. IMC's open platform design easily interfaces with industry standard applications and databases providing viewers with greater visual detail for timely, fact-based decision-making, and for the distribution of interactive streaming spherical video. IMC's offerings include hardware, software, production and multi-platform distribution services, and immersive imagery licensing. Applications include: urban planning, oil and gas resource management, emergency response and first responder operations, and cross platform advertising and entertainment media.
Also the company's website has some more Immersive media video's.