Saturday, 8 March 2008

Moma: 'Design and the Elastic Mind

Some us work across several time zones, travel with relative ease between satellite maps and nanoscale images, gleefully drowning in information.

Design and the elastic mind attempts to illustrate these dimensions of human existence: time, space, matter, and individuality.

The exhibition includes objects, projects, and concepts offered by teams of designers, scientists, and engineers from all over the world, ranging from the nanoscale to the cosmological scale. The objects range from nanodevices to vehicles, from appliances to interfaces, and from pragmatic solutions for everyday use to provocative ideas meant to influence our future choices. The exhibition is accompanied with a fully illustrated catalogue.

Design and the elastic mindis unfathomably dense with both participants ideas and meaning, and it appears to be incredibly endless, nevertheless each has their own particular point to make not unlike this.

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