"A man obsessed with Josephine Baker tries to engage himself in her world."
According to the Metroedit Website; Josephine Baker was an expatriate American artist and actress who became a French citizen in 1937. Most noted as a singer, she was also a famous dancer in her early career. She received the nickname of the “Bronze Venus” or the “Black Pearl” and “Creole Goddess". She was the first African American female star in film. Josephine Bakeris is also known for her contributions to the civil rights movement in the United States (which provided the direction of movement of Coretta Scott King in 1968 after Martin Luther King, Jr. ’s murder, but rejected), to help French Resistance during World War II and be the first American woman to receive the highest French military honor, the Croix de Guerre, and be an inspiration for generations of African American women leaders and others.