Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Rocketboom's Molly Meme Takes us on a spin of the Darwins

The image you see here is of Darwin island the smallest island in the Galapagos Archipelago. From there, Molly Meme takes us through a cool series of visual snapshots into the many things, mountains, sharks, frogs, islands and software all likely attributed with the famous Charles Darwin, the great realizer of Evolution.

Also shown us in the video are "South America map, Mt. Darwin, cordillera darwin4, cordillera darwin glacier, cordillera darwin panorama, marinelli glacier, Darwin Sound, mac os 10.6 box, apple tv, iphone, Thomas Henry Huxely pic, Orca, Darwin OS screen1, Darwin OS screen2, Darwin X-Men, Darwin comic art1, Darwin comic images, helicopter over island, galapagos islands map, tesla hat, tierra del fuego sat image, South America sat image."

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