is the worlds largest solar powered boat and is presently preparing to depart Cancun having been there, promoting the use of sustainable energy to the delegates of the World climate conference of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).
The 'Tûranor', a Swiss creation, is set to become the first boat ever to circumnavigate the world using dedicated solar power, slicing the water at a top speed of 14 knots
The double-hulled boat is 31 meters long, 29 m wide and 7.6 m tall with a crew of six, was developed and by Raphaël Domjan from Switzerland and funded by the German businessman Immo Ströher.
The craft was built with incredibly light yet very durable carbon fibre sandwich construction.by New Zealander, Craig Loomes who is considered to be one of the world’s most innovative boat designers and built by the Kiel-based boat-building firm, Knierim Yachtbau. The following video shows the boat crisply sailing through the water with its almost 2 meter wide specifically engineered propellers.
'Tûranor' PlanetSolar uses the highest rated Lithium battery cells available, powering two electric motors and the 500 square meters of solar panels allowing the catamaran to travel for up to three full days, even without direct sunlight. Go here to read more and or view more photographs of it here.