Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Eerie, but cool "Janglyk" by Kambar & Kutman on Kyrgyz jaw harps

In Kyrgyzstan ethnic culture the Jaws or Jews Harp is known as the Temir komuz which literally means "Iron Jaw harp". Shaped in the form of a broken, stretched circle with two prongs, and attached to the center is a steel plate. The shape and size of the instrument provides the fundamental note that the reed produces.

In the video below we experience two master musicians from Kyrgyzstan, Kambar Kalendarov and Kutman Sultanbekov,  playing their Kyrgyz jaw harps, performing a piece entitled "Janglyk", or "Novelty", which is available on their debut album, JAW, from Cantaloupe Music.

Reminiscent of the mesmerizing entrancing Tuvan throat singing, Kambar & Kutman entertain us with their Kyrgyz Jaws Harps expelling ringing exotic tones of canorous harmonies creating an eerie psychedelic density that is undeniably spooky, but cool.

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