
Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Chasing the storm - empowering time-lapse film

Just as a thunderstorm can take a day to build, so to can it take less than an hour before it unleashes a plethoric tirade of havoc, some, more dramatic than most others!

The fluidity of natures meteorological architecture often fills us with a sense awe and wonder when conjuring weather gathers within our sight path. None more so entertainingly present in Nathan Kaso's empowering short time-lapse film "Chasing the storm", shot around the Plenty Valley and Yarra Valley in Melbourne's outer east, (Australia).

Wide open landscape panning, squeeze sped and slowed, altered time lapse sequences elegantly married to Lzn02's delightful 'Fleur De Lune' sound track, and unfortunately all too short!

In case your interested Nathan Kaso captured his raw video footages with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 17-40mm f/4L, 24-105mm f/4L camera then processing in Lightroom and lAfter Effects softwares.

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