Thursday, 26 September 2013

iSketchnote: Nifty pen gadget records notes and sketches

Although the digital age is well and truly absorbed into our lives and community, there are many many writers and journalists remain using a a pad of paper and a pen or pencil. 

Simultaneously there are some pen pushers who have adopted either a digital pen or other such device to record and digitise their notes, scribblings and or doodles. These devices are by no means the most harmonious of devices between analogue and digital that justifiably satisfy all writers particularly those that use Apple products like the ipad and or Mac  computer. 

Thus an erstwhile team of developers have created an ipad cover enabling Apple centric writers and doodlers alike to digitally record their jottings. While the iSketchnote is being produced as a cover for an ipad, it can also be used with either a PC or Mac via USB.

Hidden beneath the surface of the device are an array of sensors enabling capture of every pen stroke on a piece of any type of paper. The device is accompanied with special pens where each pen has ring shaped magnet embedded in them. The pens tips can be swapped out with various colours which the device automatically recognises. 

As can be seen in the video below a connected iSketchnote automatically transfers your jottings, notes and or drafts as you make them and when your finished you can either store them in your gallery or share them via social media sites.

One of the neatest features of the iSketchnote can use 4gig SD cards meaning that it can be used separate from any parent device.

iSketchnote's parent company ISKN is for the next two weeks in Kickstarter project mode while it seeks pledges of financial support from interested people and app developers. For US$149 you get a complete iSketchnote pack including three pens. Go here to learn more.

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